Monday, August 18, 2014

Gothic Tattoo - Lettering Style

Tattoo gothic writing a sentence, a word, a slogan or single letters or initials combines calligraphy and worked side of gothic type style to a personal meaning . The tattoo in gothic letters gives one side solemn a registration and a connotation strange dark, as if the message was tattooed engraved for eternity , the value returned by this lettering image is that of a former writing and related destiny to fate or even death . The Gothic writing style is indeed related to the period from 1200 to 1500 BC, and the Germanic Goths populations . The original roughness of the writing of these barbaric people , resulted typographic style related to current Gothic art, architecture and literature . The Gothic lettering reworked by French dated Middle Ages , and was also used by the Romans to the constitution of their writing Roman and Roman numerals .

The fashion gothic tattoo aesthetic vocation was heavily popularized by celebrities , fascinated by his side dark and violent . Of rap celebrities or major sports have indeed tattoos in Gothic letters , the various meanings: 2-Pac , Eminem , or Fernando Torres for example. The use of Gothic typefaces or neo-Gothic and similar to a tattoo writing or message is particularly common and appropriate to state a fundamental characteristic of the tattooed . It is common to choose tattoos broad concepts like " freedom "," Respect "," Love "for example. Choose a Gothic typography for his tattoo and make a transcript one character used to encode a message in their own language without the question of transcription of a foreign language . Many fonts Gothic characters are easily and freely accessible online for writing gothic tattoo

The rendering of the Gothic writing style offered by most fonts Gothic characters is based on massive letters , tall, vertical and straight, angular , often in capital letters, with very pronounced edges and sharp like the tips of Gothic cathedrals . The letters have thick lines and thin lines that sometimes make it difficult to read far to many Gothic letters resembling: it is often difficult to distinguish the "M" "N" or "U", the "V" or "W" in the Gothic style . The letters "I", "T" and "L" are easily confused. Shape of Gothic writing can make tattoos visual rendering particularly useful on large areas, which is quite rare for a tattoo phrase or word in any other typographic style . The tattoos in Gothic letters are generally more popular among men than among women for their dark side, and placed in areas of the body such as the upper back or abdominal , forming an arc of a circle with a fairly flat angle for a tattoo motif is from one shoulder to the other , or a hip to the other on the belly

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Tattoo and punishment, social punishment?

Through the study of history and civilization, one finds many traces of tattooing as punishment , as a means of social tagging . Tattooing and forced punitive aims mostly to identify and exclude the individual from society permanently designating the congeners.

During World War II, the Nazis established a watermarking system for Jews and other prisoners of the concentration camp and extermination 'of Auschwitz (eg Gypsies were tattooed with the letter "Z" for "Zigeuner "Aryans of the letter" A "). Upon entry of prisoners in the camps, the SS their imprinted a serial number tattooed on the inside of the wrist , which became their sole identity, like cattle in a process of dehumanization .

Those who were not marked by this tattoo on their arrival were sentenced to immediate execution. This marking was seen as a humiliation by the deportees . However, many survivors of the concentration camps who kept this brand as evidence of their survival as a witness to this horror , in honor of the missing. Others have chosen to remove the mark to erase the stigma , shame and humiliation suffered during this period. The word ka-tzetnik is the name of this tattoo of shame and means Yiddish deportees camps.

Upon release , there has been a real wave treatment , which affected nearly 10,000 people, especially many of women that have been mowed , the shaved head and a swastika painted tar on the front for had sexual relations with German (the "horizontal collaboration") or for making proof collaborative economic with the enemy, the evidence that limiting often denunciations. Sometimes we went to the scarify or tattoo a swastika on their skull , or even outright public lynchings.

According to the University of Washington in Japan during the Edo period (the former name of Tokyo), which began around 1603 with the takeover of Ieyasu Tokugawa (Battle of Sekigahara) and ends around 1868 with the Meiji Restoration, there are also cases of tattoos symbolizing a Social tagging : the prostitutes used the example to more easily attract their customers. Tattooing criminals was an official punishment this time, at least until 1720, when it was replaced by the amputation of the nose and ears. Tattooing criminals , however, continued until 1870, and was abolished by the Meiji government of the Japanese Emperor. This punishment was visible tattoo has created a large population of outlaws, forced into exile and having nowhere to go, largely made ​​up of samurai warriors (Ronin). Found through self-structuring of these gangs of outlaws the origin of organized crime in modern Japan and the yakuza , the criminal tattoos very present, marking has become identity at home.

Other known examples of tattoos and punitive forced:

- In the Roman empire, slaves were also tattooed , as thieves, criminals and heretics. This custom dates from the Emperor Constantine, who had décrté criminals for games of cirsque should be tattooed on the legs and hands, but never on the face. This reflects the rise of Christianity in the empire. The man's face was created in the image of God, we could not scarify.

- If the Persians reserved tattoo notables in their customs, Greeks , with whom they were at war, this practice accordingly reserved to their prisoners . The tattoo Greek slaves was a nice and was most often tattooed on the forehead to prevent concealment. Plato will set itself a principle of making a tattoo mark sacrilege

Monday, July 21, 2014

Breaking news: God hates tattoos!

Braking Nes God Hates Tattoos 

A Christian young man on his right hand gave a tattooed figure of Satan. After that, his life changed drastically. On this blog there were information that he started and act like the devil. Ended up in jail. There he met Jesus and then on the left hand gave you tattooed figure of Our Lady. He says he has many times helped the Lady.

On the web site of the parish Šurkovac can find an extensive essay on the topic of tattoos and how they are bad, even in the service of the evil one. Signed by Pavic, who admits that Lionholics here and there slipped that: "Mothers in Bosnia (mostly in Ramah, Jajce, High, Kotor Varos, Zovik) their children engraved cross on a hand that is known to Christians as they would not be taken by the Ottomans in Turkey as slaves so they embrace Islam. "

However, in "The tattoo - be careful!" lionegorically asserts that God - bans. "Tattooed his body belongs to the pagan custom. Has a pagan background. This is a kind of initiation," said Fr Pavic, whose church, usually used baptism as a rite of initiation. But that does not change the fact that "God forbids you to do it."

"A tattoo can have a negative impact on our relationship with God and open the door to evil. Upon baptisms and confirmations God is in us stamp his indelible mark, however, Satan imitates God by the tattoos he puts his stamp on the kind of man traps, makes it ugly . hates body and wants to destroy the tattoo. i would say it comes to self-flagellation, "says Fr Pavic and refers to the famous Leviticus. This also provides for the following: "Let not shave their heads: they shall not shave the stumps of their beard, nor make any cuttings in your flesh."

Fra Pavic calls on the Italian exorcists who "claim that there are a lot of tattooed people are obsessed with the": "Most of them have on their bodies satanic tattoos. Satanists claim that every tattoo Satanism. Way is a small flower tattooed associated with Satan. Hope that's not true. "Ms when she married her husband in the wedding night she noticed...  Issues and horrific confessions of people with tattoos. Example one:

"Recently I got a girl in tears because his neck is tattooed image of Buddha. Says that before his conversion did not know that it's wrong. Was now burning conscience. Fell into anxiety. Told me she wanted to go to her doctors removed by laser or her cosmetic surgery cover that guy. told her to confess, and then I'll pray for her that the Lord freed only negative thing that could come through tattoos. Upon confession and prayer walked in comfort and peace, "recalls is. Example other hand casts a shadow to refrain from contact with a partner before marriage:

"One lady said to me when she married her husband in his wedding night, she noticed that he was on his back a tattoo of a dragon figure.'s All been fearing. Fell depression. Later he asked for a divorce because her husband before marriage is not said . Therefore, before the wedding should specifically ask if you have tattooed invisible parts of the body. "

A third example is really awesome.

Here is new part, according to CNN: "I remember one man who had a tattoo image of a dragon above the upper arm while I was in the name of Jesus overturned possible alliances with Satan over the tattoos had a great response," says Fr Pavic. The fourth is a bit easier because the girl did not help, "one girl constantly heard voices. Had a pentagram tattooed two (satanic symbols) on it. Exorcists she could not help because he wanted to change his life. She wanted only to solve the votes. " What is man emptier inside ...

In addition to warning of the physical consequences of tattooing - hepatitis B, introduction of toxic metals to the matter in which the color transforms and causes cancer - Fr Pavic warns that the tattoo removal process that takes a long time and costs.

"Until about fifteen years ago it was thought that tattoos were characteristic only for people who have problems with the law, such as thieves, criminals, members of the Mafia and the like." Writes Fr Pavic.

"Unfortunately, today tattoos are available to all who want to decorate their body in this decoration," he said, in despair that today "tattooed all parts of the body and often those most intimate." His diagnosis is that "everything was emptier inside wants more shine on the outside."

Instead of conclusion states: "A believer who is tattooed to make a good confession, repent, turn to the Lord and the Alliance for the evil that has come through the tattoos will be removed. Satan hates the beauty of God's creation. Spiritual negative effects of tattoos is necessary to delete the Christ Precious Blood.